
The Intersection of Social Work and Advocacy

The Intersection of Social Work and Advocacy Helping others is a cornerstone of effective social work practice. 无论是在个人层面还是在社区层面, social workers can make a real impact in terms of public health and quality of life. One of the most important ways social workers achieve these improvements is through advocacy. 根据……

Understanding Personal Safety for Social Workers

Social workers intervene in the lives of clients at pivotal moments of change or crisis. While the goal of social work is to improve those moments and maintain the well-being of all parties involved, violence towards social workers can occur in agencies and in the field. Though most clients who social workers engage with will…


For ordinary people to effectively build systems of change, strategic and cooperative work is often necessary. 进入社区组织. As a field concerned with generating grassroots political power, it is and continues to be a primary method for individuals, neighborhoods and the public at large to fulfill collective unmet needs. 社区组织被定义为……


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a common neurological condition that affects about 1 in 59 children, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 美国报告的自闭症病例数量.S. children has more than doubled from 2004 to 2014. Initially, autism was described as a rare childhood disorder,…

Understanding Social Worker Licensure in Kentucky

通过帮助人们处理日常问题, social workers help fulfill the purpose of the profession as defined by the National Association of Social Work: “to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources and opportunities that allow them to meet basic needs.” Social workers need licensure to practice in mental health clinics,…

A Closer Look at Clinical Social Work Careers

Social workers help people cope with problems on a daily basis. These workers can work in a wide variety of settings, 从心理健康诊所到学校, 医院, 儿童福利院等. Social work is defined by the National Association of Social Work as a way to “ensure that all people have equal access…


Human trafficking is a billion-dollar shadow industry with a presence in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This crime is defined by the National Human Trafficking Hotline as one “involving the exploitation of someone for the purposes of compelled labor or a commercial sex act through the use of force, 欺诈或胁迫.“受害者不是……

Play Therapy: Speaking the Language of Children

“玩耍使我们充满活力和活力. 它减轻了我们的负担. It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities.——斯图尔特·布朗, MD, Contemporary American psychiatrist Play is an essential part of the human experience. It creates joy, fosters imagination and encourages learning, among a host of other benefits. 玩治疗套具……

Family Social Work in Today’s American Household

离婚的父母. 祖父母抚养孙子孙女. 双收入家庭和同性伴侣. These are just a few scenarios that define today’s changing domestic landscape. According to the article “Family Diversity is the New Normal for America’s Children,” the number of children living in “traditional” households has decreased dramatically since the 1960s. As familial structures become increasingly diverse,…


约21.5 million American teens and adults have a substance use disorder, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Professionals such as counselors and social workers can help these individuals by understanding the nature of the recovery process and how they can professionally contribute to recovery. 变化分为五个阶段,……